Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday - August 12, 2011

This is one glimpse into the scenery that surrounded me as I drove north to work this morning, this morning that dawned with me at one end of the state and ended with me at the other. Today begins another step in my career, one that is a true journey, a journey of miles, a journey of cultures and a journey of people. Today my office walls disappear but the work continues.

Standing on the shore of Passamaquoddy Bay awaiting the arrival of the canoes that left two days ago from Indian Island, a whale breached the surface of the channel and led the way for the canoes. Amid cheers, drumming and traditional singing, the whale appeared to perform for the gathered crowd and lent a spiritual overtone to the opening festivities in Sipayuk, the Passamaquoddy Reservation just outside of Eastport, Maine. A tone that hovered over the day, a day filled with family, community, tradition and a reverence for the earth and our place in it that I have read about but never witnessed. Never until today.

It is a privilege to be here and be so welcome.

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