Monday, August 1, 2011

A Nudge

I have been nudged. You know the gesture, the communication that has no need for words because the people involved know what the other is thinking and confirm it with a physical connection, a touch, a nudge. I never gave nudging much thought before this but now recognize it for the intimate sign it is, the gentle message it sends from one to another. The level of 'knowing' that rests in it. The direction it gives. In my case, the nudge pointed me back here.

I miss my mother still. Sometimes with a passing thought that brings a smile, other times with overwhelming grief that twists me with the intensity I felt in those first hours after her death. Not knowing when which moment will occur is the difficulty with grief.

My life is different now. Much has changed. Some of it is simple, a new job, a new role, a new grandchild on the way, a new boat. But much of it is harder to explain. Harder to grasp. I am not who I was and I wonder what she would think of that.

On a TED video (if you haven't seen check it out, great speakers on any number of topics) a speaker challenged the audience to try something for 30 days. Anything for 30 days. It could change your life, he claimed, or, if not you can do anything for 30 days.

What does a 30 day challenge have to do with my nudge? It's simple...I will post.

What will you do?

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