Walks are common these days. We walk to cure Cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, Kidney Disease and Cystic Fibrosis. We walk to thank our Veterans, to teach children to read and to build our schools. Today in Sipayuk we walked together. We walked side by side, different cultures, different religions, different governments. Young walked with old and old with young. The community opened its arms and welcomed everyone, welcomed us into their lives and their culture.
Before we walked, before the day started, while children were sleeping and breakfasts were being cooked, we met at the Community Health Center, and prepared the diabetes screening clinic. Tents, tables, glucometers, blood pressure cuffs, tee shirts, water, pens, health information sheets, clipboards, chairs, gloves, sharps box, bandaids and volunteers....lots of volunteers....came together for the Tribe. It was all for the Tribe, for their health, for their community, for their future.
We walked together.
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